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du iushe pic'inglich?

xassbit comunica:

esta é grande (maior que a anterior em que eu disse isto). para bem da internacionalização deste blogue, vou publicar um post... em chileno! podia ser, mas é mesmo em inlgês. e, atenção, ao contrário do que seria de esperar, este não é um post extremamente interessante. é apenas um post em inglês. um simples relatório sobre actividade humana. ou não. aqui vai:

home, sweet home
civilization, as we know, has been using these words throughout the years and they has never suffered many changes. but the concept of home, it has changed a lot. on the stone age, people had, as it says, stone houses, in caverns. although that shows a huge develop, they were nothing else then big holes in rocks, manly created by nature itself.
right before the industrial revolution, the humanity has presented in a situation of “les uns et les outres”. houses were very big for the rich ones and very small for the others. but neither the homes of riches, nor the homes of poor people had stuff like electricity, sophisticated machines and even pipes in their bathroom.
after those black times for houses, they started to be constructed with electric machines, mechanical machines and, most recently, with electric machines that replace the old mechanical machines. and that is what we call a house of the future.
we don’t give them that name because they can only be constructed in the future, but because they are going to be the predominant homes in the ages of our grandchildren. the concept of that new house, is of a house that “thinks” (with a little help from a.i. – artificial intelligence) for itself and can replace humans in lots of jobs, no matter if they are hard or easy. it doesn’t mean that a future house will do everything and men can only walk around, sleep, eat and be a slave of the machinery. it means that we can go on holydays and leave the house without really leaving it because, with an internet access on our portable computer, we can control our home. so, you can go ion holydays, lie down on a reclining sofa of the hotel while you are gardening on your beautiful garden.
but being an intelligent house also means that older or deficient or even pregnant people can live an easier life, because the house of the future is also constructed with deficient facilities, as avoiding stairs and steps, having appropriated bathrooms, alarms, and so on. as far as the alarm stuff is concerned, we going to have ultra-sensible alarms that turn on and off the lights and do an incredible loud noise, besides of warning all the authorities (fire-men, police, ambulances). are you a smoker? well, it's better if you aren’t. no, really, in the house of the future, every single flame done inside the house and the fire-alarm rings like a maniac…
in a way of finishing this text, we will talk a bit about… computers!!! yes, how can we talk about a future house, if we don’t speak about computers? for example, how many computers the future house will have? maybe thirty or even hundreds of small computers, right? wrong. well, what for having hundreds of small computers? instead we are going to have a cosmic computer that is linked with all the things of the house. perhaps you are watching a stupendous movie in a channel but you have to go to the bathroom. so, you pick an option and phow! all the t.v.’s in the house are showing BBC World. with a gigantic computer is like living inside of one... your mother in law doesn’t have any artistic taste, and wants to have all the most horrible paintings of the world in one single wall? no problem! while she is sleeping, a thing that boring mothers in law do a lot, you press some buttons and change all the paintings to light picassos or excitant francis bacons. how do you do that? easy, all the areas that show paints are in fact tft screens that you can control through the main computer that you have access all over the house. tired of having you children far from you? put their photos in these screens, and you won’t miss them ever again.

namaste, e um abraço à prof. isabel,